Wilson and Gilligan - Strategic Marketing Management: Planning, Implementation and Control 3rd Edition

Lawrence J. Gitman - Principles of Managerial Finance, 12th Edition

Universitas Haluoleo - Majalah Ilmiah Agriplus

Universitas Hasanudin - Agrivigor

Universitas Tadulako - Jurnal Agroland

Hendricksen and Williams - Accounting Theory: Essay by Carl Thomas Devine

Dowdy, Wearden, and Chilko - Statistics for Research

McPhail and Walters - Accounting and Business Ethics: An Introduction

Franke, Hardle and Hafner - Statistics of Financial Markets: An Introduction

Statistics of Financial Markets - An Introduction, Second Edition

Daniel Goleman - Emotional Intelligence

Williamson - Organization Theory: From Chester Barnard to the Present and Beyond

Iqbal and Llewellyn - Islamic Banking and Finance: New Perspectives on Profit Sharing and Risk

Hitt, Freeman, and Harrison - Blackwell Handbook of Strategic Management

The Six Sigma Way Team Fieldbook: An Implementation Guide for Project Improvement Teams
